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The research in our lab is highly interdisciplinary. What all projects have in common is the focus on improving our understanding of environmental chemical problems in order to inform solutions.

We use advanced mass-spectrometry as well as computer models and statistical tools to investigate the Fate & Behaviour of Contaminants (opens in new window)  in the environment, their Emission & Exposure Pathways (opens in new window)  (including identifying specific sources), and to develop new Analytical & Risk Analysis Methods (opens in new window) . This research is made possible by international partners from across academia, government agencies, industry, and citizen science groups who collaborate on the research or provide the funding for our projects (opens in new window) .

Our work is built on a philosophy of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). This stems from the belief that increasing the intersections of identity in research improves our research and us as environmental scientists. Our aim is to create more inclusive science, where the quality of teams and inclusion of teammates is a key factor.